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Acupuncture is Great for Treating Chronic Pain

Acupuncture is Great for Treating Chronic Pain

The National Institutes of Health estimates that approximately 25.3 million adults suffer from chronic pain (defined as experiencing pain every day for the preceding three months). They also estimate that nearly 40 million adults experience what is considered severe levels of pain.

Chronic pain can be debilitating for those suffering from it and directly impacts quality of life. People often treat chronic pain with anti-inflammatory medications (both prescription and over-the-counter), physical therapy, or with ice and heat, but those options don’t always provide long lasting relief. According to Harvard Medical School, “acupuncture is an option with a good track record that’s worth considering.”  continue reading »

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Top 3 Reasons Acupuncture is Great for Seniors

Top 3 Reasons Acupuncture is Great for Seniors

As we get older, those aches and pains become a little more pronounced and life begins to create some new challenges. For many seniors, schedules become impacted with doctor’s appointments and trips to the pharmacy. If you haven’t tried acupuncture, here are three reasons you should give it a try as it can greatly help some of the greatest health challenges facing seniors today.  continue reading »

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Is Acupuncture Safe Post-Covid? 4 Things Your Acupuncturist Wants You to Know Before You Book Your Appointment

Is Acupuncture Safe Post-Covid? 4 Things Your Acupuncturist Wants You to Know Before You Book Your Appointment

To say that 2020 was a stressful year is putting it mildly. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, many people put checkups and other medical procedures on hold, including acupuncture treatments. If you are more than ready to get back to your treatments, here are four things your acupuncturist wants you to know about their safety procedures in this new normal. And if this does not answer all your questions, please feel free to ask. Your acupuncturist wants you to feel safe and secure as you return for your first appointment.  continue reading »

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Arthritis & Acupuncture

Over 54 million adults in the United States are affected by arthritis — that’s one in four adults! Arthritis is the number one cause of disability in the United States.

Arthritis can be one of the most life-altering and unpleasant pain conditions. There are many types of arthritis (osteo-, rheumatoid, childhood, gout, lupus, fibromyalgia) , but symptoms typically include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Difficulty moving joint(s)

Arthritis can range from bothersome to extremely painful, hindering everyday activities for many who have it. It is also associated with other chronic health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. That means millions of people aren’t able to work or are limited in their ability to work, are missing out on life-enhancing activities and travel, and may be in near-constant pain due to arthritis. Thankfully there are a multitude of ways to manage arthritis and the pain that so inhibits sufferers’ lives.

Image of person holding another persons hand with text that reads “Managing Arthritis Naturally”

Acupuncture for Arthritis

When you consider that Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM) dates back over 2,000 years, it is easy to see the vastness of theory and history involved. TCM practitioners have unique diagnostic methods to define the underlying problems and help the body correct them. Many clinical studies support acupuncture’s ability to be an effective treatment for arthritis. In addition to the increased production of endogenous opioid endorphins (the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals), acupuncture is a great option to keep in mind to reduce swelling and increase range of motion safely, naturally, and without harmful side effects.


“Motion is lotion,” you may have heard a physical therapist, chiropractor, or acupuncturist say. Movement can help reduce arthritic swelling and pain, and is a sure-fire mood-booster that can also help manage those conditions that are common in conjunction with arthritis. A lot of people are reluctant to move because of pain, but in the long run pain lessens if they stay active. It’s important that people suffering from arthritis choose low-impact exercise and only engage in physical activity that feels safe.

Reduce Stress

Easier said than done, I know, but stress has a big impact on the body’s ability to heal itself, especially when it comes to inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. The pain of arthritis can also contribute to stress, creating a vicious cycle. Make sure you are taking care of your mental and emotional health by making self-care time, getting exercise and outdoor time, engaging in positive and healthful hobbies and recreation, and having a mindfulness routine can all help manage daily stress. Acupuncture can really help in this department too! Most people who get acupuncture treatments report that it is very relaxing and helps relieve stress.

The Mediterranean Diet

No diet can cure arthritis outright, but you have a full table of options when it comes to foods that can help fight inflammation and pain. Often called the The Mediterranean Diet (because, well, it’s common in the Mediterranean regions!), it is a diet low in processed food and full of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts and beans, and healthy oil (Olive Oil) that can greatly reduce the symptoms of arthritis. You can read more about it at the Arthritis Foundation website by clicking here.


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Acupuncture for Tension Headaches

Do you get tension headaches?

Tension headaches may not as debilitating as migraines, but they often occur more frequently. Tension headaches are reported to be the most common type of headache experienced. Stress tends to be the biggest factor regarding these types of headaches. Those who suffer from tension headaches frequently report a feeling of their head being squeezed, with pressure around the forehead, temples, and back of the head or neck. Tension headaches can last for as short as 30 minutes or they could linger for days.

While the exact cause of tension headaches is still not clear, they are most commonly attributed to muscle tension or spasms of the head, face, scalp, or jaw. Tension headaches are considered chronic if a person experiences them 15 or more days per month for several months. The most common treatment for tension headaches is over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or aspirin.  Severe cases are sometimes treated with prescription drugs, but they tend to fail because they do not address the root cause of the headaches.


Getting to the Root

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is known for locating and treating the root cause of any ailment, including tension headaches. One of the ways TCM treats the root is by identifying personal triggers that create tension-type headaches. The licensed acupuncturist plays the role of a detective when treating patients. Acupuncturists usually ask multiple questions regarding the symptoms of any illness, as well as other seemingly “unrelated” symptoms and body functions to get a holistic view of the patient’s health and underlying patterns of disharmony. This allows for proper diagnosis and treatment of the patient. This can also give the patient insight into why the headaches keep occurring and how they can eliminate some of the triggers.


How Acupuncture Can Help

Acupuncture provides headache relief with a great deal of success. Just a few needles can be sufficient in stopping tension-type headaches and regular treatments can reduce the frequency. Acupuncture is also very effective at providing relief from stress and anxiety, two of the most common triggers of tension-type headaches.

Many research studies are proving acupuncture can help ease symptoms associated with chronic tension headaches. One of these studies published by the Cochrane Library (here’s a link to the study) concluded a course of six acupuncture treatments can be a viable option in the treatment of “tension-type headaches”. According to the study, participants treated with acupuncture and pain-killers reported their headache frequency was less. This study was actually a compilation of several acupuncture trials. A total of 12 trials met the criteria to be included in this conclusive study. Acupuncture was also compared to several other modalities such as massage and physiotherapy, but the findings were inconclusive.

TCM includes more than just acupuncture. Herbal formulas and other modalities such as cupping, tuina, tai chi, and qi gong are a part of TCM.  By adding in herbs and these accessory modalities, the patient then has the tools needed to counter oncoming headaches on a long-term basis. The acupuncture treatments then become a type of maintenance to keep the headaches at bay.

A person suffering from tension-type headaches could benefit greatly from regular acupuncture treatments.  If you are one of the nearly 1.4 billion people that suffer regularly from tension-type headaches, give me a call today. Acupuncture and TCM CAN HELP!

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