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Will my insurance cover acupuncture?

Insurance coverage for acupuncture varies from state to state and plan to plan. Some plans may have limited acupuncture coverage others no coverage at all. Contact your insurance provider to learn whether acupuncture is covered. Here are a few questions to ask:

  • Will my plan cover acupuncture for my health problem? (some plans are very limited on the conditions they will cover)
  • How many visits per calendar year? (The will tell you a maximum upper limit. Word of caution — that does not necessarily mean the  company will pay for that many visits.)
  • Do I need a referral from a physician?
  • May I choose my own acupuncturist or is there a provider list I have to choose from?
  • Do I have a co-pay or co-insurance?
  • Do I have a deductible? If yes, has it been met?

Regarding particular insurance carriers:

VA Community Care: Currently we are a Community Care Provider for the Lexington VAMC. For more information check out the information on our Acupuncture for Veterans page.

United Healthcare: Because we are credentialed with United/Optum through the Community Care Program with the VA, we are recognized by United. Your plan will determine whether our office is considered in-network.

Humana: We are not credentialed with Humana and are considered an out-of-network provider at this time. Payment in full will be due at the time of services.

Cigna: Unfortunately, we terminated our contract with American Specialty Health (ASH), which manages Cigna acupuncture claims, on April 12, 2022. We are no longer a network provider and payment in full will be due at the time of services.

Anthem/BCBS: Unfortunately,since plans are managed by American Specialty Health (ASH), we cannot accept Anthem/BCBS. Our contract with ASH ended on April 12, 2022. We are no longer a network provider and payment in full will be due at the time of services. Some plans do cover acupuncture, but they generally cover a very limited set of conditions.

Medicare: The only condition currently covered by Medicare is low back pain. No other health conditions are covered at this time. There is a bill with bipartisan co-sponsorship by California Representative Judy Chu and Pennsylvania Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (HR4803: Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act of 2023) that seeks to expand coverage for acupuncture. We encourage you to contact your congressional representatives and senators to encourage them to support the bill.

Medicaid: Unfortunately, Medicaid does not cover acupuncture at this time. Once the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services recognizes acupuncturists as providers (see Medicare bill mentioned above), this may change. Like those with Medicare coverage, we encourage you to contact you congressional representatives and senators to encourage them to expand coverage to include acupuncture.

If you would like to know if your insurance will cover acupuncture treatments, we can check with the company using the information on the front and back of your insurance card. We can provide a statement (Superbill) with the relevant information for submitting to your insurance company so that you may be reimbursed if your plan does cover acupuncture. Each plan is different, so check with your insurance company first to find out whether your plan covers acupuncture.

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How much does it cost?

We valued transparency in the fees for our services even before the Balanced/Surprise Billing Act required it. Our prices have been set as a flat rate for services so that our patients can better budget for their course of treatments. As a general guide, the cost of most treatments are as follows:

New Patient Evaluation & Acupuncture Treatment: (includes TCM assessment of presenting complaint, review of health history, and acupuncture treatment) $150
Subsequent Acupuncture Treatments $70
Auriculotherapy (Ear Acupressure) $40
Herbal Consult New Patient Evaluation (does not include cost of herbs) $80
Herbal Consult follow-up appointments (does not include cost of herbs) $50
Established Patient Evaluation (evaluation only — does not include cost of acupuncture treatment or cost of herbals) $50

Payment is due at the time services are rendered unless prior arrangement is made.

We offer a Time of Service Discount of 10% for acupuncture services.

Payment forms accepted: Cash, Personal Check,  & major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover) including chip and contactless (NFC) payment methods (ApplePay, etc.) processed by Square.

FSA/HSA may be used for acupuncture services. We are proud to be a Community Care Provider for the Lexington VAMC.

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How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments will vary from person to person. Some people experience immediate relief and only need a few treatments; others may take months or even years to achieve results. Chronic conditions usually take longer to resolve than acute ones. Plan on a minimum of a month to see significant changes.

Treatment frequency depends on a variety of factors: your constitution, the severity and duration of the problem, and the quality and quantity of your Qi. An acupuncturist may suggest one or two treatments per week, or monthly visits for health maintenance and seasonal “tune ups”.

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Is acupuncture safe for children?

Yes, acupuncture is safe for people of any age! (In some instances children actually respond more quickly than adults.) If your child has an aversion to needles, there are other options we can try, including massage (acupressure or tuina) the acupuncture points or channels, moxa, cupping, and ear seeds.

Note: The youngest age we accept for new patients is 10 years old.

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Why did my acupuncturist recommend herbs?

Herbs can be a powerful adjunct to acupuncture care. They are used to strengthen, build and support the body or to clear it of excess problems like a cold, fever or acute pain. Your practitioner may suggest starting with herbs and then adding acupuncture to your treatment in the future. This is suggested to build up your internal strength so you can receive the full benefits acupuncture has to offer.

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